One of the first things you might do as you settle in for a long flight is to pull off your shoes and get comfy. You can still do this, but be cautious that your feet don’t smell. You should also put those shoes—or a pair of slippers—back on if you head to the bathroom. But whatever you do, don’t go barefoot, which some airlines view as worthy of removal. Whether due to drunkenness or a bug you picked during your travels, if flight attendants get a sense that you’re about to puke, they’re not going to want you on the plane. Those barf bags only do so much and, as crummy as you feel, do you really need to subject a few hundred other people to your illness? We think not. Speaking of unpleasant aromas, you can be removed for reeking, or, what Delta calls “a malodorous condition.” Whether it’s a dark cloud of body odor floating above you, excessive flatulence, or some foul-smelling substance you’ve got stored in your carry-on, stinking up a plane is not going to make you popular with the passengers, or flight crew. So tidy up before you board. The flight attendant is not going to pull out a scale or anything, but, as Delta puts it, if you are “unable to sit in a seat with the seatbelt fastened,” you can be removed. For big guys, that usually means buying two seats and getting a seatbelt extension to ensure that they fit and can buckle up. Something about the elevation might put you and your seatmate in the mood for some of your own in-flight entertainment. But if you get caught fooling around in the bathroom, you can be removed from the plane. It’s not technically illegal, and thousands of people report having done it, but just exercise caution. If those gin and tonics at the airport bar were more potent than you realized and you stumbled onto the plane looking clearly intoxicated, flight attendants may ask you to turn right back around. Same goes if you drink yourself into a stupor on mini bottles of bourbon while on the plane. When that tray table or seat-back touchscreen isn’t working properly, it can be extremely annoying. But before you try to express your irritation by smacking it, you might be opening yourself to trouble. Delta’s rules state that, “When the passenger’s conduct creates a risk of harm or damage to the carrier’s aircraft and/or property,” they can be booted. Likewise, if you damage the property of passengers, you can be removed as well. So even if it seems like the guy has totally taken over the overhead space with an oversized gift box, you should not try to fix the problem by cramming your bag in there and crushing his stuff.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb American requires that all passengers “behave appropriately and respectfully with other passengers on board,” while Delta says they can kick you off if you create “an unreasonable risk of offense or annoyance to other passengers.” So even if you’re in a crummy mood, you might want to keep it to yourself unless you want to risk ending up back on the ground. Believe it or not, looking too sexy can run you into trouble. Most major airlines reserve the right to remove people from the plane who are dressed provocatively. United requires that passengers be “properly clothed” and Southwest will not allow outfits that are “lewd, obscene, or patently offensive” (though these are subjective and rarely enforced). And for more ways to be a better passenger, try not to do any of the 23 Things That Totally Horrify Flight Attendants.

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