For some adorable friendships that will make your day, here are 27 Cute Pictures of Cats and Dogs Living Together in Perfect Harmony. You already know that cats can make some humans stuffy and sneezy, but did you know it can also work the other way around? Sandy Willis, a veterinary internist who advises the American Veterinary Medical Association, explained to Popular Science that many cats not only suffer seasonal allergies to pollen and grass, but in rare cases can actually be allergic to people. Though, if your cat has a bad reaction to you, it’s more likely due to perfume, soap, or laundry detergent that you are using than anything specific to you. There are few more pleasing sounds to a cat owner’s ears than a contented purr coming from their pet. But cats purr for more reasons than just to convey how content they are at a given moment. They have also been found to purr when hungry, injured or frightened. This may be because purring serves as a “self-soothing” device that cats may access during stressful situations, per Wired. Just as you may practice deep breathing when trying to calm yourself down, it’s a behavior that tells the body to relax. The domestic cat Creme Puff has held the record for oldest cat ever recorded since she passed away in 2005 at the age of 38 years and three days. The cat’s owner, Austin, Texas native Jake Perry explained the secret to her longevity as a diet of dry cat food supplemented by broccoli, eggs, turkey, bacon and coffee—plus an eyedropper of red wine. If that sounds unlikely to help keep a cat going, consider that Perry was also the owner of the previous oldest-cat-ever record holder, Grandpa Rex Allen, who lived to be 34 years and 2 months old. For the scientific reason why cats fear this other vegetable, read This Is Why Cats Are Terrified of Cucumbers. The world’s wealthiest cat ever recorded was Blackie, the last surviving of millionaire antiques dealer Ben Rea’s 15 felines, to whom he left his £7 million (or about $13 million USD at the time) fortune in 1988. The odd benefaction was made out of spite: the reclusive Rea did not recognize any members of his own family and the money was left to three cat charities with the instruction that they ensure that one of the only individuals he could trust was looked after following his death. Next time your partner teases you about how long you spend getting ready, you can point out that it’s nothing compared to how much time a cat spends primping and prepping on an average day. As the SPCA of Texas describes, “cats spend at least five hours a day grooming and cleaning themselves.” For more fun facts to impress your friends, sign up for our daily newsletter. While hours of grooming do help a cat keep clean, ensuring a shiny coat and removing dander and loose hairs, this process is about more than just cleanliness. Among the other benefits of dedicated grooming is that cats are able to control their temperature—while they can sweat through their paws, they can’t sweat much elsewhere, so licking serves as a cooling system with their own saliva helping chill them out. It’s also a way for the cat to ensure they smell like themselves. Ever notice a cat immediately start to groom after you pet them? It’s no knock against you, they just want to make sure they are giving off their own unique scent. If your cat freaks out about catnip, they’re actually in the minority. Though scientists don’t know exactly why some cats react to it the way they do, they have determined that sensitivity to catnip is inherited, with cats that have one sensitive parent having a one-in-two chance of inheriting this sensitivity themselves. This rises to a three-in-four chance if both parents are catnip fans. That means many—in fact, most—cats are not responsive to the stuff. There’s a reason you’ve never seen your cat try to sneak a bite of the cookies or pie you’ve left on the counter: Like a number of other carnivores, cats’ taste receptors aren’t coded to pick up on sweets. “They don’t taste sweet the way we do,” Joe Brand, biochemist and associate director at the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia, told Scientific American. “They’re lucky. Cats really have bad teeth as it is.” Have you ever wondered what makes cats so light on their feet? They’re digitigrades by nature—meaning they walk on their toes—which is what affords them their amazing pouncing ability. “This helps them approach their prey with a combination of speed and almost complete silence,” explains Jackson Galaxy, host of Animal Planet’s My Cat From H***. In fact, it’s this very ability that helps them remain uninjured as they do their own version of feline parkour: The digitigrade stance “helps provide cats with shock absorbers when they jump down from above,” he explains. Your cat’s uncanny ability to pounce on you even with the lights out is no coincidence. The back of a cat’s eye has a reflective layer called the tapetum lucidum which “collects all available light, intensifying it and reflecting it back out of the retina,” thus allowing them to accurately process images even in almost complete darkness, according to Galaxy. It’s this unique ability that makes them such great hunters—and allows them to stay one step ahead of predators, too. Even the sharpest peripheral vision in humans pales in comparison to that of your average cat. “Cats’ peripheral vision occupies 200 degrees—20 percent more than humans,” says Galaxy. While they’re not especially effective at seeing long distances, within 20 feet of prey, they have “absolute accuracy,” according to Galaxy. Your dog may be able to hear you open a can of food from rooms away, but cats are even more sensitive to sound. “The cat’s pinna—the triangular part of the ear that we can see—creates a unique funnel, grabbing sounds from the air and pulling them inward,” says Galaxy. This enables them to hear incredibly high and low frequencies that humans and other animals, including dogs, are likely to miss. While your collarbone connects your torso and your arms, your cat’s collarbone isn’t holding anything together. “It’s not attached to anything,” says Georgia-based veterinarian Laura Seabolt. “It just hangs out under the skin.” In fact, it’s this unique feature that enables cats to squeeze through tight spaces without injuring themselves. If you’re thinking about setting out a bowl of milk for your cat to enjoy, you might want to reconsider. “Even though you see cats drinking milk in movies, their bodies do not tolerate milk very well,” says Sara Ochoa, DVM, a Texas-based small and exotic animal veterinarian. Your cat’s eyes aren’t the only thing helping them track down their prey—they have an incredible sense of smell, too. “Cats have a sense of smell 14 times greater than a human,” says Jim Carlson, DVM, owner and holistic veterinarian at the Riverside Animal Clinic & Holistic Center. However, while incredible, their sense of smell isn’t quite as sharp as that of your average dog, so don’t expect your local police department to hire cat investigators any time soon. That little belly your cat has isn’t just the result of those extra treats you’ve been giving them. Carlson says that this feline spare tire isn’t “extra chub,” but rather a spot on the cat’s body that “stores food, protects cat’s organs in cat fights, and helps felines move easier by extending when chasing prey.” After testing 42 cats—21 male and 21 female—for a study published in Animal Behaviour, psychologists determined that a cat’s dominant paw is correlated with gender. For the record: Female cats? Right-pawed. Domestic cats do mostly four things: sleep, eat, run, or play. It turns out, sleeping takes up more time than the other three activities combined. With up to 70 percent of their lives dedicated to sleep, cats are among the most frequent sleepers in the animal world because, in the wild, they must use a lot of energy to hunt. According to Leslie A. Lyons, an assistant professor at the School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of California, Davis, purring could be a sign that a cat’s muscles and bones are recovering. The average domestic cat purrs at about 26 Hertz—that’s within the range to promote tissue regeneration (similar to how strenuous exercise can encourage bone health by putting pressure on the bones, causing them to grow stronger)

Another delicacy cartoons would have you believe cats love is raw fish—but that could actually be bad for them, according to the pros at VetStreet. Uncooked fish can contain bacteria that is harmful to cats and can cause food poisoning. Also, an enzyme in raw fish destroys thiamine, an essential B vitamin, which can lead to neurological problems. There’s the hiss, the meow, the purr, and (when in heat) the caterwaul—and dozens of variations of each. In comparison, dogs can make only 10 distinct noises. Cats can also communicate through body language, biting, scent signals, and interactions.

You have more in common with your cat than you may realize. Both human and cat brains are composed of gray and white matter. What’s more, according to reporting by Petful, cats tend to think in the same pattern as humans and, like us, have a long- and short-term memory. Garfield was right. The cerebral cortex of cats—the part of the brain that is responsible for cognitive information processing—is much more complex in felines than in canines. It also contains twice as many neurons as dogs. Additionally, cats have proven to be better at complex problem-solving than their rival pet. Just look at any series of YouTube cat videos: They can jump really, really far. By some estimates, felines can traverse six times their body length in a single bound! Cats have powerful muscles in their back legs that help them leap far, and fun fact—they use their tail for balance. That’s why they have no problem jumping on tabletops, and even to the top of the refrigerator.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb Ever wondered why your cat doesn’t break a sweat when it’s hot out, despite their thick fur? Cats’ sweat glands are only found on their paws. In fact, you can often find wet spots from their paws when they are sweating during the hotter months of the year. But more often, when they’re hot, cats just look for a cool place to lie down. Your cat’s nose may look similar to that of its feline family members, but it’s actually got its own distinct markings. So, just how special is your pet’s sniffer? “Cats nose prints are as unique as the human fingerprint,” says Ochoa.

When they rub themselves on a person or object, cats leave their own personal scent behind. That way, according to the Humane Society, they can mark their territory, letting other cats know they should back off. A cat’s whiskers are covered in nerve cells and blood vessels that help them investigate the world around them, according to the Veterinary Centers of America. The average cat’s whiskers span about the width of its body, so they frequently use them to detect whether or not they can fit into or through a space.

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