RELATED: This Former “The View” Host Says Whoopi Goldberg “Really Didn’t Like” Her. On the May 24 episode of The View, an uncomfortable moment between Meghan and Whoopi Goldberg went viral. The co-hosts were discussing Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene’s comparison of the House’s mask mandate to gold stars Jews wore during World War II. After McCain challenged Democrats’ heavy attention on Greene, Goldberg, who serves as The View’s moderator, tried to end the segment. “We’re going to break and when we come back, you can continue talking, but now we’re going to break, so we’ll be right back,” Goldberg said, causing Meghan to yell: “Why are you cutting me off?” “I’m cutting you off because we have to go, Meghan!” Goldberg shouted back. “Why do you think I’m cutting you off?” RELATED: This “The View” Host “Doesn’t Like” Any of Her Co-Stars, Star Jones Says. During her May 26 interview with Radio Andy, Cohen asked Cindy if the moment between her daughter and Goldberg “upset [her] to watch.” “Yeah… you teach your children to be polite and be nice to other people and all that kind of stuff, and it does make me cringe a little bit,” Cindy admitted. But, she said, “It’s her job and it’s what she does, and it’s Whoopi’s job to keep the peace, so I understand everything that’s going on there.” Still, Cindy added: “But as a mom… yeah, it does bother me a little bit.” RELATED: For more up-to-date information, sign up for our daily newsletter. Cindy told Cohen that she’s long known Meghan to be someone who sticks up for herself. “Ever since she was very little, we call her ‘John McCain in a dress’ because she was always fighting, she was always questioning,” the mom-of-four said, referring to her late husband. Ultimately, Cindy says she thinks Meghan is doing “a great job” on The View. “She stands up for what she believes in and that’s all that you can ask for,” she said, adding that she appreciates that Meghan is always standing up for herself. “I don’t always agree with her, but I do appreciate it,” she said with a laugh. In her new memoir, Stronger: Courage, Hope, and Humor in My Life with John McCain, which was released in April, Cindy also mentioned Meghan’s strong sense of self.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb “When I had two daughters to raise, I was determined to give them a core of independence and self-assurance. Some viewers who have watched my elder daughter, Meghan McCain, on ABC’s The View may think that I succeeded a little too well,” Cindy wrote. “She isn’t afraid to speak up, and her voice is powerful and well considered,” she added. “She never tries to hurt anyone, and in the current political climate, that is both brave and unusual.” RELATED: Cindy McCain Just Gave a Rare Update on Her Youngest Daughter Bridget.

Cindy McCain Says She Cringed When Meghan Did This on  The View  - 32Cindy McCain Says She Cringed When Meghan Did This on  The View  - 44