“Societal strategies implemented to oppose COVID-19 might have long-term, negative effects on the obesity epidemic,” the scientists note. They explain that quarantining “might trigger a series of psychobiological mechanisms that accelerate obesity occurrence and increase the risk of developing obesity-linked comorbidities.” The obesity epidemic in America has been growing for the past two decades. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in 1999-2000, 30.5 percent of Americans were considered obese (i.e., they had a body mass index—BMI—of over 30). In 2017-2018, that statistic rose to 42.4 percent. The researchers that penned the letter are concerned quarantine will make this percentage shoot up even more due to the economic havoc the pandemic has brought, as well as the isolation and mental health issues that come with quarantining. Of course, many people have lost their source of income during the COVID-19 epidemic, and a 2011 study out of Jackson State University found a strong association between obesity and lower income communities. The study showed that people below the poverty level, people receiving food stamps, and people receiving unemployment were consuming more low-quality food due to economic factors, which, in turn, increased their BMI. According to the Danish researchers, “An abundance of highly processed, energy-rich, palatable, cheap and readily available foods promotes calorie intake beyond energetic needs, and such foods are often preferentially selected by individuals with a lower socioeconomic status who have limited income and resources.” Another factor that could lead COVID-19 quarantines to contribute to an increased risk of obesity is declining mental health. The isolation and constant anxiety surrounding the pandemic have led to increased mental health challenges for much of the population. According to the CDC, 40.9 percent of participants of a June survey reported at least one adverse mental or behavioral condition due to the pandemic. The Danish researchers caution that loneliness and isolation can negatively alter how people interact with food and lead some to overeat. RELATED: For more up-to-date information, sign up for our daily newsletter. ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb Additionally, the researchers said, “Home confinement during the COVID-19 pandemic provides an altered food cue exposure, which could challenge the individual’s cognitive restraint and enhance impulsive eating behavior.” So, not only could some people be inclined to engage in emotional eating while isolated, but the removal of social eating practices can reduce mindful eating and negatively influence people’s dietary choices, according to the researchers. All of these elements are also compounded by less active lifestyles due to fitness centers closing, organized sports being put on pause, and the elimination of work commutes. As a result, the researchers urge officials to implement interventions that would counteract the increased risk of obesity that comes with lockdowns. They suggest “socioeconomic safety nets and community support networks” to help ensure obesity does not spike in the quest to control COVID-19. And if you want to avoid another lockdown, check out Dr. Fauci Says You Have to “Be on Board” With This to Avoid Lockdown.

COVID Quarantines Are Fueling the Obesity Epidemic  Scientists Say - 42