“Sometimes a drunk driving arrest will land right in front of you… literally,” they said. Here’s what the video shows and what the police said about the driver of the car. 1 Car Flying Through the Air

It’s unclear how fast the car was going when the driver lost control, but judging by the number of times it flipped over, it must have been going at some speed. The incident took place at night, and according to the Lansing police department, the driver was not seriously injured. 2 Arrested For DUI
The police department posted the dash cam footage on their Facebook page, saying the driver has been arrested for DUI. “Sometimes a drunk driving arrest will land right in front of you… literally… Driver somehow only suffered minor injuries & was arrested for DUI,” they captioned the video.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb 3 Lucky Break
The police emphasized how lucky it was that the driver didn’t hurt anyone and escaped mostly unharmed. “This could’ve been a tragic outcome. There is zero excuse to get behind the wheel drunk. Report drunk drivers by calling 911.” 4 Public Response
Commenters were thankful no one was seriously injured. “And people say that there is never a cop around when you need one! Wild video. Don’t drink and drive folks! Glad the driver was ok,” read a comment from the Bath Township Police Department in Michigan.  5 Cartwheeling Car
Other commenters were surprised property wasn’t damaged, considering how close the car was flipping to houses on the street. “Wow he’s so close to all those front porches😱 glad no one was seriously hurt,” one commenter said. “Who knew cars could do a cartwheel?” said another.