1 Hero Grandfather
The incident was sparked off when the armed suspect approached a woman as she was leaving a check-cashing establishment and attempted to rob her. “The complainant stated that she was approached by an unknown male, who pointed a gun at her and demanded the keys to her truck. The suspect grabbed the complainant’s keys and then got into the truck,” Houston PD said in a Facebook post. Simon Mancilla, a 73-year-old grandfather of 11, saw what was happening and tried to intervene. “I open my window, ‘Hey man … don’t make a problem,’” Mancilla said. Keep reading to learn what happened next and to see the video.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb 2 Vicious Attack
The armed man took the woman’s keys and got into the vehicle. When Mancilla attempted to pull the man out of the truck, the suspect pistol whipped him several times. Mancilla managed to get a few punches in before being knocked to the ground, bleeding. The suspect then drove off in the truck. “Suspect: White male, khaki pants and blue shirt,” Houston PD described the man. 3 Good Samaritans
Two other people saw what was happening and tried to help Mancilla: Video footage shows a man running toward the scene, but he couldn’t stop the suspect from stealing the truck. Mancilla wasn’t even aware anyone was there. “His eyes were full of blood, he couldn’t see anyone,” Mancilla’s son told KHOU11. The suspect fought off the people trying to help and almost ran them over in the process. 4 No Choice But To Fight
Mancilla was taken to hospital for his injuries and ended up needing several stitches. He admits the incident was scary, but says he couldn’t just stand by and do nothing. “Well yeah, but I don’t have any choice,” he said. The suspect and truck have still not been found. 5 Hunting the Suspect
Houston police say the incident happened on September 7 on Airline near Parker Road east of the North Freeway. The truck is a 2011 GMC Sierra with the license plate RKJ 3241, and the last four numbers of the VIN are 0351. “Please contact Crime Stoppers of Houston DIRECTLY if you have any information related to this investigation,” says Houston PD. “Information leading to the charging and/or arrest of any felony suspects may result in a cash payment up to $5,000. Tipsters MUST contact Crime Stoppers DIRECTLY to remain anonymous and to be considered for a cash payment by calling 713-222-TIPS (8477), submitting an online tip at www.crime-stoppers.org or through the Crime Stoppers mobile app.”