RELATED: Publix and Target are Pulling These 9 Popular Foods from Stores. On Nov. 15, the CDC announced that it was actively investigating illnesses linked to baby spinach sold nationwide under the brand name Josie’s Organics. The agency says the products in question were sold in plastic clamshell containers and have a “best by” date of Oct. 23, 2021 printed on the packaging. According to the CDC’s announcement, health officials in Minnesota discovered E. coli O157:H7 in a sample collected from a package of Josie’s Organic baby spinach found in someone’s home who became ill. The investigation has since found that five people have reported eating spinach before becoming sick, with one confirmed case linked to the Josie’s Organic brand. So far, the outbreak has led to 10 illnesses across seven states overall, including two hospitalizations. The investigation is ongoing and working to determine if any other products could be contaminated with the harmful bacteria. RELATED: If You Have Any of These 6 Supplements, Throw Them Out Now, FDA Warns. The agency is warning anyone who purchased the contaminated baby spinach not to consume it and to throw it away or return it to the store where it was purchased immediately. You should also prevent cross-contamination by washing any surfaces or items that may have touched the contaminated spinach using hot soapy water or running it through a dishwasher. For more health news sent right to your inbox, sign up for our daily newsletter. In its announcement, the CDC warns that people who come into contact with E. coli often experience abdominal cramps, bloody diarrhea, and dehydration. Typically, symptoms begin three to four days after ingesting the bacteria, with most healthy people recovering without medical treatment within five to seven days. The agency advises anyone who experiences diarrhea that is bloody or accompanied by a fever higher than 102 degrees Fahrenheit, diarrhea for more than three days that is not improving, or vomiting too much to keep liquids down to call their doctor immediately.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb The agency also warns that among certain individuals—particularly children under the age of five and seniors—E. coli exposure can lead to hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), a type of kidney failure. According to the National Kidney Foundation, the most apparent symptom of HUS is loss of color in the skin, but some individuals with the condition will also urinate less and have noticeably reduced energy levels. If you have any of these symptoms, experts recommend seeking immediate medical care. RELATED: If You Bought This at Kroger or Walmart, Throw It Away Now, FDA Says.