However, beyond these better known signs of diabetes, there’s one additional red flag experts want you to recognize. The answer, they say, can be right at your fingertips—especially if you know what to look for. Read on to find out how your fingernails may reveal a diabetes diagnosis, and for another strange symptom to look out for, If You See This on Your Feet, You May Have Diabetes, Doctors Say. 1 A “slight blush” on the nail could indicate diabetes.
Though often overlooked, your fingernails can offer a window into your health, says Elizabeth Salada, MD, via For this reason, she routinely checks her patients’ nails as part of their medical examinations. “Lots of common diseases can present themselves through the appearance of your nails,” she shared. Salada says that healthy nails are typically pink, flat and even in color, and any changes in shape, thickness, or consistency can help identify a problem. Specifically, she warns that “a slight blush at [the] bottom of the nail is sometimes a symptom of diabetes.” And for more important health news delivered right to your inbox, sign up for our daily newsletter. 2 Your nails may also turn yellow or more brittle.
According to Healthline, yellow or brittle fingernails or toenails can also be a sign of diabetes. That’s because diabetes makes you predisposed to a fungal infection called onychomycosis. “In some people with diabetes, the nails take on a yellowish hue,” the health resource explains. “Often this coloring has to do with the breakdown of sugar and its effect on the collagen in nails.” While the discoloration itself is reportedly not harmful and does not need to be treated, it can tip you off to deeper issues. Talk with your doctor about evaluating this change—especially if you’re experiencing any symptoms. 3 Having a “distinctive line” across the nail is another red flag.
As you get older, you may naturally develop vertical ridges on your fingernails or toenails. However, if you notice horizontal lines on your nails, they could be the result of type 2 diabetes.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb These distinctive ridges are known as Beau’s lines, and they can be caused by uncontrolled blood sugar levels, according to the Mayo Clinic. That said, this same symptom can also be caused by several other underlying conditions, including a thyroid problem. If you notice these lines on your nails, let your doctor know so you can discuss their potential causes. And for another reason to call your medical provider, If This Body Part Hurts You at Night, See Your Doctor. 4 Your nails can also appear “shortened.”
While your short nails may be the result of biting or breakage, experts say they can also indicate a deeper health problem. In rare cases, nerve damage resulting from diabetes can cause inhibited nail growth, according to the journal Practical Diabetes. This can leave the nails on certain fingers appearing “shortened” and “fragile.” And for more pressing medical news, If You’re Sweating at Night, It Could Be a Sign of These Kinds of Cancer.