RELATED: If You Bought These Supplements, Stop Using Them Immediately, FDA Says. On Aug. 6, the FDA announced that KVK Tech, Inc. had voluntarily recalled two lots of Atovaquone Oral Suspension, USP 750 mg/5mL. The affected medication comes in 8-oz. bottles with child-resistant caps. The bottles in the affected lots are packaged in cartons printed with NDC# 10702-223-21, lot numbers 16653A or 16654A, and expiration dates of December 2022. For the latest health news delivered to your inbox, sign up for our daily newsletter. Atovaquone Oral Suspension, which is typically used to treat Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia—a form of pneumonia that frequently affects individuals with HIV—and is used in the prevention of Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia among immunocompromised individuals, is supposed to be protected against extremely low temperatures. However, the product was recalled after multiple users complained about their prescriptions being unusually gritty, which may have been attributable to exposure to low temperatures, according to the recall notice. It’s not the medication’s texture alone that may have been compromised by its exposure to temperature fluctuations. According to the FDA, while exposure to extremely cold temperatures may affect the product’s taste, texture, and appearance, most importantly, extreme cold may also impact its efficacy.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb While manufacturer KVK Tech had received no reports of problems related to the use of the recalled medication at the time the recall was announced, the recall notice acknowledges that, “Severely immunocompromised patients who receive less effective Atovaquone Oral Suspension may experience inadequate treatment of serious and life-threatening infections.” If you have medication from the recalled lots in your possession, the FDA notice recommends that you stop using it now. The product should be returned to manufacturer KVK Tech at 110 Terry Drive, Newtown, PA 18940. Customers will be reimbursed for the cost of their medication. If you have questions related to the recall, contact KVK Tech at 215-579-1842 Ext: 6002 on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. EST or at [email protected] If you have taken the affected medication and believe you have experienced any adverse reactions, contact a medical professional. RELATED: If You Use This Medication, Talk to Your Doctor Immediately, FDA Says.