1 “If You Lost Your Lizards and Iguanas…”
The man called the police after receiving the unexpected delivery, which contained a number of dark-colored lizards.  The Port Chester Police Department attempted to locate whoever was waiting in vain for the shipment, writing on Facebook: “If you lost your lizards and iguanas we have them at the PD,” the department posted. “Needless to say the addressee was quite startled when they opened the box.”  “After catching all the animals we secured them until a local animal sanctuary can pick them up for safekeeping,” police said in the post, which showed three dark-colored lizards in a white bucket. “Everyday is different here in PC!”  Port Chester is in Westchester County, just north of New York City. ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb 2 Six Lizards Involved
The nonprofit organization Animal Nation took in the reptiles. In Facebook comments, the group said there were six lizards in total: three Savannah monitors and three ctenosaura quinquecarinata. “They will get large!” said one commenter. Savannah monitor lizards can grow to be four feet long. Commonly known as the spiny-tailed iguana, ctenosaura quinquecarinata is a rare reptile native to Central American that can grow to 14 inches in length. 3 Nonprofit Calls for Shipping Ban
In a Facebook post, Animal Nation called for change in the policies governing the sale of live animals.  “This happens all [too] often and Animal Nation handles the calls from post offices, and unexpected reception of these animals which puts a burden on our organization and compassionate donors,” the group wrote. “PLEASE stop the sale and mail of live animals!” 4 Other Unusual Reptile Transport Made Headlines Recently
In other reptile-transport news, a California man pleaded guilty to smuggling hundreds of exotic reptiles into the country, including 60 reptiles in his pants, KTLA reported last week. The man would bring the smuggled animals to his Ventura County home, where he resold them to customers across the country. Authorities said he sold more than 1,700 of them, at a total value of nearly $739,000. 5 Alligator Gets Brief Moment of Fame
And in Lake Worth, Texas, police were called to remove a three-and-a-half-foot-long alligator from an ATM. A woman called authorities after she heard hissing while she was withdrawing money. A game warden with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department responded and helped remove the alligator to an appropriate habitat nearby.