1 “Mother Earth” Festival Was Site of Harrowing Tale
Summer is the season of outdoor festivals, and like millions of merrymakers across the globe, 30-year-old Victor Álvarez was taking advantage of the opportunity to get outside and maybe disconnect a bit with the help of alcohol. Specifically, he was attending the Mother Earth fest in El Alto, Bolivia, on Aug. 1. There, according to the New York Post, indigenous groups congregate to make offerings to Pachamama, the goddess of Earth and fertility. Álvarez had some drinks—many drinks, by his own admission. Then things got weird. 2 After a Few Too Many, Man Wakes Up, And…
The Post reports that Álvarez passed out after imbibing too much. A few hours later, he awoke with the need to urinate. It was then that he realized he was lying inside a glass coffin that was covered with dirt. 3 “I Had Been Buried”
“We’d gone dancing,” Alvarez told local media. “The only thing I remember is that I thought I was in my bed and I got up to go pee, and I couldn’t move. “When I pushed the coffin I barely broke the glass and, through the glass, dirt began to enter. I managed to get out. I had been buried.“ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb RELATED: Groom Played Video of Bride’s Cheating With Brother-in-Law at Wedding 4 Police Don’t Believe Story
Álvarez says that once he came to, he realized he was in Achacachi, a town about 50 miles from the Mother Earth festival, reports Metro. He sought out the local police, who didn’t believe his story. The officers told Álvarez he was still drunk, he says, telling him to go home and sober up.  But Alvarez has sworn to local media that he’s telling the truth, claiming the group wanted to use him as a sullu—a sacrifice to the goddess. Pictures and video were published in local media showing Álvarez looking bruised and smudged with dirt. 5 Who Is Pachamama?
Pachamama is a mythological figure revered by the indigenous people of the Andes. She is considered an “Earth Mother” and the goddess of fertility, which extends to the land, enabling a productive harvest and causing earthquakes. Various media sources report that in the modern day, sacrifices to her are common—usually sweets, the occasional animal, but not, as far as is known, humans.