READ THIS NEXT: The Theme Song of Your Life, Based on Your Zodiac Sign. Lauren Ash is a celebrity astrologer and lifestyle writer. She writes weekly columns for Best Life and Glam, and hosts the weekly astrology and pop culture podcast Birth Chart Pls. Follow Lauren on Twitter and Instagram or subscribe to her blog for monthly horoscopes. Aries is the loud and outrageous firecracker of the zodiac, preferring to lead the charge whenever possible. You break out the Christmas decorations before Thanksgiving because you can’t wait to start celebrating. And while you do appreciate some traditions, your favorite part of the season is finding new ways to make the holidays exciting. So, it’s only fitting that someone with so much enthusiasm gets paired with one of the most popular Christmas songs of our generation, sung by fellow trendsetter and Aries, Mariah Carey. You’ll have a blast rocking out with your loved ones and screaming the lyrics from the top of your lungs as you make new memories that will last a lifetime. Taurus is known for having it all together when the holidays come around. Dedicated and hardworking, you’re the kind of careful planner who has your Christmas list ready well before the season, and your presents are probably wrapped and under the tree before the first snowfall. Yes, you like the generous aspect of gift-giving, but you’re also a bit materialistic, which is why your ideal Christmas song croons about Santa bringing yachts and convertibles. Remember, you spend so much time spreading cheer for everyone else that it’s okay to fantasize about what you want this year, too. READ THIS NEXT: The Mocktail You Should Drink, Based on Your Zodiac Sign. Communicative, charming, and chatty, Geminis are the social butterflies of the zodiac. You like to spend the holidays making the rounds and catching up with friends and family. You’ll take any chance you can get to bring everyone up to speed on your exciting life. And, of course, it doesn’t hurt if you can pick up a juicy story or two along the way. Because you’re so tuned into everyone else’s business, you need a holiday song with some gossip—like mommy kissing Santa Claus under the mistletoe! Sure, this might be a made-up story, but we wouldn’t put it past you to change up the lyrics with your own bit of buzz. Accommodating and nurturing, nobody does Christmas like you, Cancer. You go above and beyond to put the little touches on things that people will remember for years to come. And if you’re not the one hosting, you’re probably bringing plenty of fresh baked goods and holiday cheer along with you. This Taylor Swift song is about the artist’s childhood on a Christmas tree farm in Pennsylvania. As the zodiac’s most nostalgic sign, it reminds you that the people you spend the holidays with are the most important part. With lyrics like “When I’m feeling alone, you remind me of home,” no song will tug at your heartstrings more than this new seasonal staple. For more astrology content delivered straight to your inbox, sign up for our daily newsletter. Leos like to treat every moment like a special occasion. So when the most wonderful time of the year rolls around, you’re definitely going above and beyond. From decorating every inch of your house to spending hours shopping for the perfect gift, you spare no expense in making Christmas magical. But you mustn’t get too caught up in all the pomp and circumstance (we know, we know, you can’t help showing off). This timeless song from Paul McCartney will remind you that all you need to have a good time is high spirits and the people you love most. Bah humbug might be too strong for some, but not you, Virgo. It’s not that you don’t like the holidays, but it can be a bit overwhelming when you put pressure on yourself to think of every last-minute detail. It might look easy in the Hallmark movies, but you know the real time and effort it takes to bring the Christmas magic to life. “Christmas Wrapping” is a realistic yet upbeat look at the holidays that you’ll be sure to resonate with. The message is that while life isn’t always going to be as joyful as you hope, it may surprise you if you give it a chance. You’re not one to believe in Christmas miracles, but this song might just help you see the silver lining. READ THIS NEXT: The Cookie You Should Eat, Based on Your Zodiac Sign. Libras love the magic, beauty, and sparkle of Christmas. In fact, it might surprise others to learn just how sentimental and nostalgic you are during the holidays. And as one of the most extroverted zodiac signs, this is a great opportunity for you to mix and mingle with loved ones. Since you love to rock the night away and keep the party going, “Jingle Bell Rock” is a perfect fit for your holiday playlist. This upbeat tune is sure to get everyone out of their seats and dancing during your next Christmas party. For elusive and mysterious Scorpio, the holidays bring about moments of reflection. As an emotional water sign, you get quite sentimental about what the end of the year means. Although it’s not the most upbeat song on the list, “Last Christmas” is certainly the most thought-provoking. It’s about accepting the sadness that a relationship didn’t make it and the promise of a new love in the future. And as the sign known for its complexity and depth, there’s no better song to remind you to give yourself the gift of self-love in the new year. READ THIS NEXT: The Song You Should Sing at Karaoke, Based on Your Zodiac Sign. Feisty and fiery, Sagittarians know how to bring the Christmas spirit to life. You have a jovial energy, as well as an infectious passion for the things you care about most, especially your family. As the jet-setting world traveler of the zodiac, there’s nothing quite like coming home to the people you love.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb You need a song that will keep the mood bumping while you catch up with everyone. “Holidays” by Meghan Trainor is a modern pop melody that is sure to bring festive vibes this Christmas. Not to mention, it’s got a great beat for dancing and catchy lyrics for karaoke—fun for the whole family. Capricorns love the holidays and not just because they happen to fall within your birthday month. After working so hard all year, it’s a chance to spend time at home and get in a festive mood with friends and family. It’s also an excuse to step away from your responsibilities and let loose. “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree” is a classic Christmas carol that will have you ready to spread joy and laughter. From drinking eggnog with your friends to kissing your crush under the mistletoe to getting a little sentimental with your family, nothing will set the mood quite like this song. READ THIS NEXT: The Biggest Myth About Each Zodiac Sign, According to Astrologers. Aquarius is the aloof outsider of the zodiac, so it might surprise some to learn that you’re actually a huge fan of the holidays and bringing people together. Not only do you love the challenge of finding the perfect gifts, but you also go above and beyond to leave a lasting impression. As the rebel of the zodiac, your ideal Christmas song needs to break the rules a little. And the debate surrounding the true meaning of this holiday classic will give you and your guests plenty to discuss as you relax on the couch after a satisfying holiday meal. Around the holidays, there’s nothing a Pisces loves more than expressing your thoughtful side. You lean into your creative talents to find (or, more likely, make) the perfect gifts for your loved ones. You’re very connected to dreams and fantasies, and this time of year always has you feeling sentimental. So, it should be no surprise that your perfect Christmas song will get you thinking about what’s working and what needs to be left behind come January. Whether you have love on your mind or something else entirely, “Santa Tell Me” has a hummable chorus and get-in-your-head lyrics that will have you belting out every word.