READ THIS NEXT: The Most Artistic Zodiac Sign, According to Astrologers. This hardworking, straightforward earth sign isn’t openly emotional, but it does have an active inner world. “Capricorns tend to overthink problems which can lead them to worry,” says Tara Bennet, professional astrologer and spiritual coach at MediumChat. “Their cold exterior masks their emotional vulnerability.” A Capricorn’s dearest family and most trusted friends are usually the only ones who see their sensitive side, explains Bennet. However, even these close associates may have to pester a Capricorn again and again in order to learn their true feelings on an issue. A known party animal, Sagittarius is impulsive, energetic, and intelligent—and those traits can sometimes lead to passionate outbursts. “This sign is inconsistent in handling its emotions and instability is the name of the game for Sagittarius,” says Maria Hayes, a professional astrologer at Trusted Astrology. “In a snap, they can go from elated to irritated.” All this is especially true when they’re trying to accomplish one of their many goals and can’t. Then, “they’ll be running in circles with their emotions all over the place,” says Hayes. READ THIS NEXT: The Most Seductive Zodiac Sign, According to an Astrologer. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and has a “me first” ethos to match. “Highly emotional, passionate, and carefree, this zodiac sign will leap into the flames just to satiate their urges,” says Hayes. “They are extremely unpredictable, doing whatever they want and living in the moment.” When their impulsiveness is hampered, those born under this sign can easily become hot-headed and anxious. Fortunately, Aries can also use its emotiveness for good. “They can channel 100 percent of their energies on things they’re passionate about, so you can expect their tenacity to bring success,” says Hayes. “Aries are masters of using their emotions to fuel their pursuit of greatness, whatever that means.” Unsurprisingly, the most emotional signs on our list are the three water signs. “Water signs—Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces—are thought to be the most emotional because they’re associated with deep feelings and intuition,” says Sofia Celestino, professional astrologer from Destiny Awakens. “All three signs are in touch with their emotions and most likely to express them freely and openly.” That said, they express their emotions differently.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb Scorpio, for example, is known for being passionate and intense. “They can be very quick to anger, but they’re also loyal and protective of those they care about,” says Celestino. “Scorpios tend to be more private with their emotions, but when they do open up, it’s usually because they trust the person they’re confiding in.” When feeling negative emotions, they have a tendency to become self-destructive and sabotage important relationships. RELATED: For more astrology advice delivered straight to your inbox, sign up for our daily newsletter. If there’s one thing Pisces is good at, it’s feeling every and any emotion. In fact, this sign is so good at connecting with its own emotions and empathizing with others that it’s sometimes considered psychic. “[They are] empathic to such an extent they often confuse their own emotions with those from people around them,” says Bennet. What’s more, Pisces are constantly mulling over their feelings. “These fish explore their emotions continuously and are quick to forgive and forget, even if it’s harmful to themselves,” Bennet adds. “A Pisces at an emotionally charged event is like a sponge soaking up everyone else’s pain.” You can expect them to bring the waterworks at any funeral or graduation—even if they’re hardly connected to the person who is being honored. There are many things in Cancer’s chart that make it the most emotional zodiac sign. First, it’s the cardinal water sign, which means it relates to the world by feel, explains Hayes. Cancer is also ruled by the Moon, which signifies the inner self and deep feelings. “As such, logic and reason are secondary to their feelings and intuitions,” says Hayes. While some might see this as a weakness, Hayes notes it’s actually Cancer’s strongest suit. “They’re able to truly connect with themselves, which allows them to relate well with others,” she notes. It may take Cancer several years to get a handle on its emotions. Unrefined, “their choices make zero sense, often allowing their urges and desires to take over,” Hayes says. “When they get hurt, they are definitely crybabies, nonetheless.” In contrast, a highly refined Cancer is a master of its emotions. “They can do stone-cold bluffs or even persuade others to join their cause.” READ THIS NEXT: The Most Intense Zodiac Sign, According to Astrologers.