READ THIS NEXT: The Most Seductive Zodiac Sign, According to an Astrologer. This sign is represented by the Crab and is known for hiding in its shell more often than not. That doesn’t make Cancer people purposefully mysterious; however, there are times this sign will surprise you with seemingly out-of-the-blue behaviors or observations, even though they’ve been thinking about them for a while. “Cancerians keep their true feelings inside, so you rarely know how they really feel,” says Anastasiya Kirilchik, resident astrologer for the Futurio app. For example, they may reveal they never actually liked an acquaintance after years of knowing them or could keep their true feelings about a romantic partner or boss hidden. Because of its introverted ways, this sign is also likely to leave a party early without saying goodbye in order to get back to the comforts of home faster. This extroverted sign is the life of the party, always asking people interesting questions and making jokes with their quick wit. So, where does their mysterious side come in? “In Gemini, there seem to be two personalities and you will never guess which one you are about to meet now,” says Kirilchik. If you hang out with them one day, they may be warm and chatty; if you hang out with them another, they may play “devil’s advocate” in the worst way or leave you alone to hang out with their new friend. With Gemini, you never know what you’re going to get—which makes them mysterious in their unpredictability.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb READ THIS NEXT: The Most Egocentric Zodiac Sign, According to Astrologers. This hardworking and straightforward zodiac sign sometimes appears mysterious—even though that’s hardly their intention. “Capricorn sees the world at face value,” says relationship astrologer Anna Kovach. “Ironically, even though Capricorn is practical and direct, they are also likely to be assumed to harbor some deeper mystery precisely because they don’t wear their hearts on their sleeves.” Often, when dealing with a Capricorn, you may assume they’re hiding their true feelings about a topic. However, Kovach says you should take what they say at face value. “They tend to say what they mean and mean what they say,” she explains. Sensitive, imaginative, and emotionally intelligent, this sign can appear mysterious due to its innate intuitiveness. “Most of the time, Pisces can be overwhelmed and confused by their own emotions,” says Kovach. “Their empathic nature can lead those born under this sign to confuse their feelings with other peoples’ emotions.” When a Pisces is behaving mysteriously, it’s likely not intentional. “If it seems difficult to figure out a Pisces person, it’s because they, too, have to work through layers of confusion to get to their core desires and feelings,” says Kovach. That, combined with Pisces’ penchant for bizarre hobbies and frequent daydreaming, can make this sign seem mysterious and difficult to pin down. RELATED: For more astrology advice delivered straight to your inbox, sign up for our daily newsletter. The innovators and brainiacs of the zodiac are also some of the best secret keepers—and will always keep you guessing about how they’ll behave next. “Aquarians are incredible at obtaining information,” says celebrity psychic and astrologer Inbaal Honigman. “Everyone confides in them since they’re so kind and understanding, and they have perfect recall.” However, they’re not keen on divulging these secrets, which means they may make mysterious moves based on confidential information. Additionally, this sign frequently adjusts its thoughts on certain issues, making its true stance difficult to understand. “You may think you’ve nailed your Aquarius friend’s personality and mindset, but they’ll change positions to remain independent and aloof,” says Kovach. If there’s one trait that’s associated with Scorpio, it’s mysteriousness. In fact, each of the experts we consulted named them the most mysterious sign of the zodiac. So, what’s the cause of this? It all has to due with their planet placements. “This sign is ruled by Pluto, which is a planet of secrecy and hidden truths,” says Kovach. Because of that, “Scorpio loves to figure out everyone else’s deeply held motives and secret agenda while keeping their own cards close to the vest and never giving away their true desires and ambitions,” she says. Sometimes, a Scorpio’s secretiveness can veer dangerous—or, at the very least, manipulative. “If you get too close to a Scorpio’s deepest secrets, those born under this sign are infamous for sabotaging their relationships or friendships,” says Kovach. “This defense helps to keep others from ever truly figuring out a Scorpio person. They protect their core desires and secrets as a way to protect their vulnerability.” In other words, it may be best to leave them be when they’re acting aloof. READ THIS NEXT: The Most Confident Zodiac Sign, According to Astrologers.