RELATED: The Pettiest Zodiac Sign, According to Astrologers. Aquarius is known for being one of the smartest signs of the zodiac and is unmatched in terms of innovation, creativity, and humanitarian efforts. But if you thought that meant they were immune to sneakiness, think again. Inbaal Honigman, celebrity psychic and astrologer, notes that Aquarius—like all air signs—frequently lives in its head and makes decisions there long before it takes any external action. For example, “they know they’re going to leave their partners months before they do it and agree with themselves to hand in their resignations at the first sign of trouble,” she says. “Having all that information but waiting on the conditions to be perfect amounts to being sneaky at times.” If you’re close with an Aquarius, you can assume they’re keeping at least a few secrets from you—even ones that could have an impact on your life.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb Because they’re known for being nurturing and sensitive, you may have assumed Cancers would be above acting sly. And if you did, you’d be wrong. As professional astrologer Crescent of Crescent Divination says, “Cancer is ruled by the moon—and what screams secretive if not a new moon, where the moon is hidden?” The unique thing about a Cancer’s sneakiness is that they’re fairly open about it. “They truly believe in the phrase ‘keep your friends close and your enemies closer,’” says Crescent. Even if a Cancer dislikes you, they may put up a friendly front to avoid conflict or to stay on your good side should they ever need a favor. Fortunately, you don’t have to worry about the Cancers in your life acting with malicious intent; for the most part, their sneakiness veers benign. READ THIS NEXT: The Most Argumentative Zodiac Sign, According to Astrologers. Ruled by Venus, the planet of love and harmony, Libras have a knack for being cunning communicators. Unfortunately, they sometimes have an ulterior motive. “Though their main task is to reconcile the warring parties and bring peace to the world around them, they may use this talent for evil and become perfect schemers,” says Alice Alta, resident astrologer for the Futurio app. “One word here, another word there, and voila, best friends become enemies.” However, don’t expect your Libra pal to be engaging in sneaky behavior on the regular. For one, they simply don’t like confrontation or drama. And also, they’ll be able to handle most situations without scheming. “Libra has enough people skills not to need sneakiness as a tactic,” confirms professional astrologer Lisa Gordon. This emotional, imaginative, and charming sign also has a dark side. “Pisces will gaslight you if you doubt them,” says Virginia Castiglione, astrologer at Aquamarine Content. “They are dangerous because they also manage to lie to themselves, to the point that they genuinely believe they’re doing nothing wrong in the first place.” Why? Well, this sign happens to be ruled by Neptune, the planet of potential, deception, disillusionment, and propaganda. So, while they may not realize they’re harming others by entangling them in their web of lies, it’s quite possible that innocent bystanders get burned. When dealing with a sneaky Pisces, trust your gut. If you think they’re feeding you something false, you’re probably right. For more astrology content delivered straight to your inbox, sign up for our daily newsletter. The sign of the twins—characterized by playfulness, curiosity, and flexibility—acts on the sly out of necessity. “They’ll have two sets of friends who dislike each other, two favorite aunties who are sworn rivals, and very likely two separate spouses,” says Honigman. “So, they’ve got to do a fair bit of sneaking around or too many people would be upset.” Fortunately, this sign isn’t innately spiteful or ill-natured (well, unless you count that they’re fairly likely to cheat). Instead, they simply tell the white lies they need to get by. “Ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, they have the gift of gab and can create a story that anyone will believe,” says professional astrologer Katherine Metcalf. You’ll want to stay alert when you engage with them, especially if you’re their close friend or partner. Nothing is as it seems when you’re dealing with a Scorpio. “[This sign] is ruled by Mars, the planet of action, but that plays out more passively,” says Crescent. “Scorpios work best behind the scenes—they’re the embodiment of moving in silence.” At the same time, Scorpios are protective, measured, and distrustful of others. “That makes them feel that sneakiness is necessary as a tool in life,” says Gordon. They’re also easily peeved and seek retribution on the regular. When a Scorpio is out to get you, nothing will stop them. “[They have] the strength and perseverance to meet any challenge brought their way,” says coach and astrologer Linda Berry. “If this includes doing something behind someone’s back, they are capable of sinking that low.” Lastly, they’re adept at keeping secrets and spreading gossip. Our tip? Don’t get on a Scorpio’s bad side. Just like their earthly representative—the scorpion—this sign’s sting burns. READ THIS NEXT: The Worst Zodiac Sign to Invite to Your Party, Astrologer Warns.