RELATED: The Zodiac Sign Least Likely to Marry, According to Astrologers. Because Pisces are the most sensitive and intuitive of the zodiac signs, they “can become easily overwhelmed by their emotions,” says celebrity astrologer Lauren Ash. But the mutable water signs can still make exceptional partners in long-term relationships. “Getting a Pisces to fall in love with you is one thing, keeping their attention and affection, in the long run, takes serious commitment,” It’s important to note, though, that if a Pisces has had their heart broken one too many times, they’re less likely than others to trust again once they’ve been burned. Ruled by Venus, Taurus is one of the most romantic and sensual signs of the zodiac. But as the fixed earth sign, don’t expect a Taurus to make the first move when it comes to love. According to Ash, a Taurus “will often choose a long courtship with the object of their affection.” This means that “once a Taurus sets their mind to something, it’s nearly impossible to change it.” “When they do get in relationships, they are incredibly loyal and emotionally steadfast,” adds Ash. “The trick is getting them to open up enough to show you their secret romantic side.” If you can get them to commit, Sagittarius placements love loud and love big. Known for being adventurous and fiery, Ash says this sign “is more likely to have multiple love affairs at once rather than a single soulmate.” “It’s not that a Sagittarius can’t fall in love, their struggle is focusing all of their sappy, romantic, and passionate energy on just one person,” says Ash. Astrology consultant Sofia Adler echoes that sentiment saying “as soon as things start to feel stagnant, they’re onto the next.” The key to keeping the affection of a Sagittarius? “Be flexible, be spontaneous, and always have your passport up to date,” she adds.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb RELATED: For more astrology content delivered straight to your inbox, sign up for our daily newsletter. When it comes to romance, Scorpios are one of the most sexual and confident signs. After all, they’re magnetic, passionate, and loyal. “As the fixed water sign, Scorpios know just what to say to flatter and impress their date,” says Ash. However, they can have “an edge of possessiveness and jealousy if they’re feeling unappreciated.” Truthfully, it takes Scorpios many years to fully feel comfortable enough showing their darker side to a romantic partner. Translation? “Their love is one you’ll need to earn,” says Ash. Known for their duality and charm, Geminis are social butterflies. You can often find them juggling multiple friend groups, side hustles, hobbies, and possibly even lovers." Truthfully, Adler says, they find their “thrill” in the myriad of partners they meet along the way. There are also other challenges, too. “Dating a Gemini can be difficult due to their constant need for intellectual and verbal stimulation,” says Ash. “Geminis need to be assured that any relationship they commit to in the long run won’t grow stale or boring in a few years.” FYI this isn’t a zodiac sign that will enjoy staying in to watch a movie at home. Virgos are known for being picky and having high expectations in love, meaning they are extremely critical of their partnerships. They also can be their own worst enemies. “Virgos hold themselves back from love because they’re so focused on what isn’t working instead of what is,” says Adler. And while they might not be “the most vocal about their affection for others, they always show their love for others through acts of service or quality time.” When a Virgo makes the jump and says “I love you,” rest assured they mean it. RELATED: The Zodiac Signs Least Likely to Divorce, According to Astrologers.