In a Dec. 16 briefing with the media, United States Army General Gustave Perna, who serves as the Chief Operating Officer for Operation Warp Speed, explained that shipments of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine to both California and Alabama had been rendered unusable after an unexpected shift in temperature during delivery. “We had two trays of Pfizer vaccine that arrived in California in two separate places, and as we were tracking the temperature, we noted that the temperature actually got colder than -80 [degrees Celsius]; it went to -92.” That’s almost -134 degrees Fahrenheit. However, the vaccines “never left the truck” and were immediately returned to Pfizer for replacements, which were then shipped to the affected areas, Perna explained. “We are taking no chances,” the general said. Perna went on to say that the same thing happened to two trays of the Pfizer vaccine that were supposed to be distributed in Alabama, with both trays’ temperatures dipping to -92 degrees Celsius, as well. “Again, we were able to stop and quarantine the vaccine, get a replacement shipment immediately to Alabama, and now we’re just working through the forensics to determine if the vaccine is still good,” Perna said. He added that two million doses of the Pfizer vaccine had been sent out for distribution the evening prior to the press briefing, and that the vaccine would soon be distributed to long-term healthcare facilities throughout the country. “Ohio and Connecticut are all set underneath the CDC federal program to begin [vaccine distribution to] long-term healthcare facilities on Friday and Saturday,” Perna explained, noting that Florida and West Virginia have begun distributing the vaccines at these facilities as well. Distribution of the vaccine should reach 1,100 long-term care facilities by Monday, a number that would “rapidly expand [by] thousands a day.” Perna underscored the message that the general public will soon be able to get their COVID vaccines as well, explaining that, by mid-January, the vaccine would become available at 37,000 pharmacies throughout the U.S. Want to know when you’ll be able to get your hands on a COVID vaccine? Read on to discover when the vaccine will become available at your local pharmacy chain. And before you get your shot, discover how The COVID Vaccine Could Temporarily Paralyze This Body Part, FDA Warns. Read the original article on Best Life. Walmart is prepping its stores with additional freezers to provide safe storage for the COVID vaccine, which the mega-retailer anticipates being able to distribute in early spring. “I know we are all ready to get back to normal and enjoy life beyond the epidemic, and these vaccines will help us do that,” said Walmart’s Chief Medical Officer Tom Van Gilder, MD, in a statement. And for more ways Walmart is helping combat the pandemic, check out Walmart Is Now Selling This For the First Time. Soon enough, you’ll be able to get your bulk paper towels, your $1.50 hot dog, and a COVID vaccine in a single trip to Costco. The company’s CEO, Craig Jelinek, said during a Dec. 14 appearance on CNBC’s Closing Bell that the chain’s pharmacies were primed to begin distributing the vaccine to members of the public in early spring. And for more COVID news delivered directly to your inbox, sign up for our daily newsletter. According to Perna, CVS and Walgreens have thus far played an instrumental role in getting COVID vaccines out to members of vulnerable populations, including those in long-term care facilities. For those who aren’t in higher risk groups, the chain will likely begin distributing vaccinations “somewhere in the April/May timeframe,” Chris Cox, senior vice president of CVS, told CNBC. And for more on what you’ll need to prepare to get a shot here, check out This Is What You’ll Need to Get a COVID Vaccine at CVS, CEO Says.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb Walgreens, which has also been working to distribute vaccines to healthcare facilities and nursing homes, will begin distributing the vaccine to the general public “over the next few months,” according to Rina Shah, group vice president of pharmacy operations at Walgreens. During a Dec. 14 interview with CNBC, Shah went on to explain that it would likely be available to everyone in “the spring timeframe.” And as far as your PPE goes, Dr. Fauci Says This Is When You’ll Be Able to Throw Away Your Face Mask.

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