In early February, analysts predicted that a massive chicken wing shortage was brewing, per Restaurant Business. Now, it’s here. Wing Barn, a Rio Grande Valley wing restaurant, confirmed on April 12 that chicken wings are currently in short supply. “We wanted to let the community know that there is a national chicken wing shortage, and ask for their support and understanding,” Wing Barn CEO Bobby Saenz said in a statement. And for one meat item to be wary of, check out If You Bought This at Costco, Get Rid of It Now, FDA Says. Chicken wings aren’t the only meat that’s hard to come by. Bacon is facing a looming shortage just in time for the summer, Business Insider reports.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb According to the news outlet, hogs have been in short supply since the beginning of the COVID pandemic. Analysts are predicting that this will soon result in shorter supply and higher prices when it comes to foods made from pork like bacon, if you can find it at all. Christine McCracken, Rabobank executive director for animal protein, told Business Insider that these issues are the “after-effects of last-year’s disruption.” And for more you should know when grocery shopping, The FDA Just Issued a Salmonella Warning for This Popular Grocery Item. Alongside bacon, hot dogs are another pork product that’s expected to be hard to find in stores this summer, according to Business Insider. With an increasing number of people getting vaccinated, barbecues will be in full effect, driving up the demand for items like hot dogs, which are already suffering because of lower production from last year’s hog shortage. “Bargains on meat might be tough for consumers to find this summer,” McCracken said. “So my advice to consumers would be to stock up when you find a good deal.” And for more up-to-date news you can use, sign up for our daily newsletter. There’s also bad news on the condiment front, though it may not be directly affecting stores yet. As The Wall Street Journal reported on April 5, the COVID pandemic has caused a shortage of ketchup packets, too. People have been relying more and more on takeout, which has resulted in restaurants struggling to keep this to-go condiment in stock for customers. Some have started pouring out bulk ketchup into individual cups. Steve Cornell, Kraft Heinz’s president of Enhancers, Specialty and Away from Home Business Unit, told the WSJ they are asking for patience as the company tries to ramp up supply by opening two new manufacturing lines in April. But it may be some time before your ketchup supply is back to normal. And for more retail news, check out This One Thing Is Disappearing From Walmarts Nationwide.