According to a study published by the American Psychological Association, which used telephone surveys, in-person interviews, and written questionnaires to probe people’s deepest regrets, this is true for more than three quarters of us. As the researchers explain, when asked to identify their worst regrets, “76 percent of participants cited an action not taken that would have helped them realize their ideal self.” This means that if an opportunity you’ve dreamed of comes along but you pass it up for practical reasons (for instance, declining an exciting job opportunity overseas in favor of a lower risk option), you’re more likely to regret it later than if you seized the opportunity and it didn’t work out.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb In fact, when the choice is between something you think you ought to do and something you deeply want to do, you’re more likely to be happy after the fact if you’ve followed your desires—especially when they align with your personal ideals. While of course basic responsibilities like caring for children, managing your finances, and maintaining healthy relationships are a given, outside of that, you’re most likely to feel free of regret if you go where opportunity takes you—risks be darned. But what of those risky decisions that do go awry? Well, the good news is that even when you make a mistake, you usually have time to make it better. You’re likely to learn something new about yourself along the way, turning that catastrophe into a hard-won lesson. You may connect with new people through the process, or carve out a whole new path for yourself. In other words, you’re more likely to make peace with these types of mistakes, viewing them as an important part of life’s journey rather than something you’d undo if you could. So, if you’ve got an important decision ahead, get out there and grab life by the horns. Spend less time worrying about how things could go wrong, and more time thinking about how striving for your goals could stir up new possibilities for you—even if you fail. And for more on living your life to the fullest, check out What 90-Somethings Love and Regret Most About Their Lives.