The CDC asked adults whether they had worn a mask when leaving their house within the past seven days. Of respondents in their 30s, 84.4 percent said that they had; 74.9 percent of young adults between the ages of 18 and 25 also said that they covered their faces. Between the ages of 50 and 64, 75.3 percent said yes, and 79.2 percent of people 65 or older report wearing masks outside of their home. The lowest percentage of mask wearers are those between the ages of 40 to 49. Only 68 percent of respondents in their 40s said that they donned masks or face coverings within the week prior. The survey also broke down answers into other categories. Percentages are similar across gender lines, with 77.6 percent of men and 75.3 percent of women using masks. Regionally, more people in the northeast (87 percent) than people in the south (71 percent) answered in the affirmative. But it’s important to note that the most recent results published yesterday were collected between May 11 and 13, prior to the coronavirus spike that most states in the country are currently experiencing. The same survey yielded another set of data collected between April 7 and 9, which shows that more people across the board adopted mask wearing in the month span.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb RELATED: For more up-to-date information, sign up for our daily newsletter. People in their 40s were not the least likely to go out wearing masks when asked in April. At that time, only 36.6 percent of people over 65 said that they had done so, compared to 61.4 percent of respondents from ages 40 to 49. There was a significant leap for seniors, but a much smaller one for people in middle age. Overall, 87.8 percent of people of all ages agreed, when asked in May, with the statement, “It is important for me to wear a cloth face covering when I am out in public.” So while it may seem that Americans are completely divided on this issue, data suggests that many more people support wearing masks than oppose it. And for more on COVID confusion, here’s The New Face Mask Myth You Need to Stop Believing.

This Is Who Is Actually the Least Likely to Wear a Mask   Best Life - 87