Schrier is now trying to raise awareness among other medical professionals that this particular eye infection could be a symptom of COVID. “The whole point is to alert people of the association, but I cannot say specifically that COVID causes it,” Schrier recently told HealthDay. Endophthalmitis occurs when the tissues or fluids inside the eyeball become infected, and it is always considered a medical emergency, regardless of its cause. It’s most commonly the result of a bacterial infection after eye surgery, eye injection, or an eye injury, but there are other known cases where it’s caused by a virus. Since beginning her research on the subject, Schrier says she has found two other cases of endophthalmitis linked to COVID-19 patients. According to HealthDay, Schrier noted that all three of the patients she personally treated had “underlying health problems that may have made their COVID-19 worse and made them more susceptible to other conditions as they tried to fight off the infection.” In all three of Schrier’s cases, the outlook was grim. One patient died of COVID, another lost an eye “despite heroic efforts to save [it],” and the third permanently lost all vision. Read on to learn the symptoms of this harrowing eye infection that you should look out for, according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology. And for another symptom you should know about, check out This Is One of the Most “Easily Overlooked” COVID Symptoms, Experts Warn. Read the original article on Best Life. And for more signs that you may have coronavirus, check out If You Have This Symptom, There’s an 80 Percent Chance You Have COVID.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb

This Rare COVID Eye Symptom Has Doctors on Alert - 78This Rare COVID Eye Symptom Has Doctors on Alert - 56