RELATED: Julia Roberts Called This Co-Star “Completely Disgusting.” Poms was released in theaters on May 10, 2019. On May 1, Huston’s interview with Vulture was published, in which she, now 70, talked about the sort of roles she likes to play at this point in her life. And while the actor didn’t name the movie, she did describe its plot pretty specifically. “I’m looking for movies that impress me in some way,” the Grifters star said, “that aren’t apologetically humble or humiliating like, ‘Band of cheerleaders gets back together for one last hurrah,’ you know. An old-lady cheerleader movie. I don’t like that kind of thing. If I’m going to be an old lady—and I’m sort of touching old lady these days—at least I want to be a special old lady. I don’t want to be relegated to some has-been making a comeback. I hate comebacks.” Not long after Huston’s interview was published, Weaver spoke to Vanity Fair about her comments. “I just laughed,” Weaver said of hearing what Huston thought. “And then I said, ‘Well, she can go [expletive] herself.’ I was kind of disappointed. I had always been an admirer of Anjelica. And I thought, ‘That’s a bit mean and petty.’” Weaver added, “I would say she must be going through menopause, but she must have had that ages ago.” Weaver told Vanity Fair that she agreed with some of Huston’s comments about “old lady” roles in entertainment and commented on the ageism that is present in the industry. But, she also said of Huston, “Anjelica sounds sad at the moment, I have to say. I think she must be a bit disappointed or she wouldn’t be slagging on people for no reason … including herself, saying she’s an ‘old lady.’” Weaver said she couldn’t see Huston as a cheerleader, anyway. “But then, I grew up in Australia, where there is just no cheerleading culture,” the Silver Linings Playbook actor said. “I think the most interesting acting happens outside your comfort zone.” RELATED: For more celebrity news delivered right to your inbox, sign up for our daily newsletter. In an interview with BuzzFeed’s AM to DM in June 2019, Weaver expressed regret for what she said about Huston. “I just said, ‘Oh well, I was disappointed because I’ve always admired Anjelica,’ and I just laughed, and then I thought, Well, she can go [expletive] herself. Which, well, to be honest, that’s what I thought…and I’m sorry, I wished I never said that,” Weaver said. “I do admire Anjelica Huston. I don’t think she’s a [expletive]. I think she’s a wonderful actress and a really nice woman.” Weaver also said that she lost some inhibitions during the exchange with Vanity Fair. “Sometimes my filter drops, and my filter dropped that day. I just got a bit cross—‘cross’ being the operative word,” she said. “I got incensed. I saw red. I lose my temper once a year, and that was it.” While Weaver regretted speaking out so strongly about Huston, she also took time to defend Poms again in her AM to DM interview, saying that it’s about more than “silly old women being cheerleaders.” She continued, “It’s about love and friendship, and death and relevance, and aging and ageism, and it’s got a lot of heart.“ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb RELATED: This Co-Star Called Frank Sinatra “No-Talent” and “Stupid.”