1 Just Another Day At School
According to Sheena, the incident started off as something fairly typical. “Right before dismissal, we had a dad come in and want to check out his child,” Sheena says in the video. “That’s ok, that’s normal. So, I told him to hang on a second because the secretary wasn’t up there. Another dad walks in, and he wants to check out his child as well, so [the secretary] came back, and she got the child’s name.” Keep reading to learn more and see the video. 2 Confusion
Things got hairy when they realized two men had come to collect the same kid. “Got the child’s name, and it was the same child’s name. She was like, ‘We got two kids in the school?’” Sheena says. “It sounds totally bogus but these guys were trying to check out the same child and things were about to get ugly.” The school secretary apparently told one of the men, “This is the same child that he just checked out.” 3 Dad, Meet Dad
According to Sheena, the two men were (understandably) confused and upset, each claiming to be the father, and having no knowledge of the other person. “And so, they both look at each other, and dad was like, ‘Why are you checking my child out? Who are you?’” Sheena says. “And he was like, ‘Who are you?’ ‘What do you mean? I’m her dad.’” 4 What’s Really Going On?

Sheena says the principal had to be called in to defuse the situation. “Me and the secretary looked at each other, and I thought, I gotta get the principal right now because, at this point, we need the principal. We need someone to call the school officer. What is really going on here?” she says. Both men were listed as emergency contacts for the child. “Both have rights to check the child out,” she added. 5 Assault
The situation got even worse when the mother of the child came to the school, and was assaulted by one of the men. According to Sheena, the whole situation was apparently a set up by the mother’s vengeful former best friend who wanted to expose the mother’s secret. Police arrived on the scene and one of the fathers was arrested, the mother was helped by paramedics, and the child was taken home by her grandmother.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3


Part 4