A second study from a team at the University of Rochester reached the same conclusion. To determine the effects of the color, those researchers invited 288 female and 25 male undergraduates to view a series of digitally altered photographs of men. In some, the men wore red or were flanked by a border of the rosy hue, while in others, there was no red in sight. The researchers then asked a series of questions, such as, “How attractive do you think this person is?” In analyzing participants’ responses, they found that both wearing and being surrounded by the color red increased women’s physical attraction. But what is it that makes this color so attractive to others? Well, when women wear it, it’s associated with love, passion, and sultry encounters. Even absent other sultry signs, we view red dresses, lipstick, and nail polish as more sexually charged than other colors. When men wear red, the message is still amorous, but slightly more complicated. It’s associated with “power, strength, and competitive dominance”—all of which are linked with higher levels of female attraction.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb This phenomenon isn’t anything new: across cultures and throughout history, red has served as a sign of high status and physical vigor. Beyond our cultural reinforcement of the color’s significance, there also seems to be a biological component. In many species, from birds to primates, the color has tangible effects on an animal’s likelihood of finding a mate. So, if you feel like your dating life could use a boost, give it a try. Is it guaranteed to work? Nope. But wearing red might just give you the extra edge you need to get that special someone’s attention. The rest, of course, is up to you. And for tips for attracting others, check out these 23 Subtle Ways to Make Yourself More Attractive.