1 Thinking Outside the Box
Pollock apparently borrowed her boyfriend’s car and accidentally clipped the curb while driving. “Curbed your boyfriend’s car? No problem,” Pollock captioned the video. So how did she clean up the marks? First, she used a cloth to clean the wheel, and then came the secret weapon—a $3.50 black nail polish from Chemist Warehouse. Keep reading to learn more and see the video. 2 The Perfect Crime
Pollock talks her viewers through the steps to take when painting over the scuffs. “You do not want dirt underneath your paint…and when I say paint, I mean $3.50 nail polish,” advises Pollock. “It’s really important you take your time because remember your relationship is on the line here. Nice, even brush strokes up and down, looking good.” 3 Clean the Whole Wheel
Pollock advises cleaning the entire wheel so it’s not immediately obvious where the cover-up happened. “Finish up those kerbs and then clean the whole wheel because he’s going to notice that bits of his wheel are cleaned where your kerbs were. This is key for not losing your boyfriend,” she says.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb 4 Mission Accomplished

Pollock waits for the first coat of nail polish to dry before going back and adding another layer. She makes a point of focusing on the parts which are “super dented.” Pollock then shows off the results of her sneaky work. “Voila. Beautiful, cleaned wheel and you get to keep your boyfriend. You can thank me later,” she says. 5 Viral Fame
Commenters don’t believe Pollock’s boyfriend would miss the damage done to his car, even with her hard work in covering it up. “If he’s a real car lover he will notice straight away cause I know I would,” one commenter said. “My wife did it to her car and I noticed it within 5 min. There is no hiding that from a car guy,” said another. He will notice. My husband can see a patched up scratch from 50km away," another added. Considering Pollock’s video has been seen 2.5 million times, it’s safe to assume the boyfriend knows about it now!